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Visit Us
Hepburn Heights
- 31 Chadlington Drive, Padbury
- 08 9307 5000
- info@c3hh.com.au
Sunday Mornings 9:30am
Wednesday Night Gather Fortnightly During School Term
Fridays (Youth Service) 6pm - 8:30pmNorth Perth
- St Luke's Anglican Church
13 George St, Maylands WA 6051 - 08 9307 5000
- info@c3northperth.com.au
- c3northperth.com.au
Fortnightly Church Together 5pm
Fortnightly Dinner Church In homesThe Bukit
- Bali Life Training Centre Auditorium
Jalan Pura Masuka No.77, Ungasan, Kuta Selatan, Badung - +62821-4508-4194
- info@c3thebukit.com
- c3thebukit.com
Sundays 10am – 11.30am
Tuesdays (Youth Service) 7pm - 8:30pmJigalong
- Pilbara community, WA
- 08 9307 5000
- jigalong@c3hh.com.au
Church Service Sundays 6pm
Bible Study Mondays 7pm
Prayer Wednesdays 7pmLocations
Hepburn Heights
Close to Hillarys, Perth, WA
Hepburn Heights
- 31 Chadlington Drive, Padbury
- 08 9307 5000
- info@c3hh.com.au
Sunday Mornings 9:30am
Wednesday Night Gather Fortnightly During School Term
Fridays (Youth Service) 6pm - 8:30pmNorth Perth
Inner City Perth, WA
North Perth
- St Luke's Anglican Church
13 George St, Maylands WA 6051 - 08 9307 5000
- info@c3northperth.com.au
- c3northperth.com.au
Fortnightly Church Together 5pm
Fortnightly Dinner Church In homesThe Bukit
Close to Uluwatu, Bali, IND
The Bukit
- Bali Life Training Centre Auditorium
Jalan Pura Masuka No.77, Ungasan, Kuta Selatan, Badung - +62821-4508-4194
- info@c3thebukit.com
- c3thebukit.com
Sundays 10am – 11.30am
Tuesdays (Youth Service) 7pm - 8:30pmJigalong
Pilbara community, WA
- Pilbara community, WA
- 08 9307 5000
- jigalong@c3hh.com.au
Church Service Sundays 6pm
Bible Study Mondays 7pm
Prayer Wednesdays 7pmGovernance
C3 Hepburn Heights (C3HH) exists to see the life to the full that Jesus gave, lived and shared in our local community, and specific areas in our regional and global community.
C3HH is directed by two leadership teams:
The Board
The Church Board provides peak governance and operational oversight to C3HH and locations. The Board (with consultation from C3 Australia Oversight) appoints the Lead Pastor who takes responsibility for overseeing all church leadership and management.
The Board is chaired by the Lead Pastor and must comprise at least 50% non-pastoral members. Board positions are volunteer, unpaid roles.
The Board continually steers towards the church’s core priorities, ensures safe church practices, and oversees finances, pastoral employment and prudent future planning.
Board members are passionate Christ following, long-term, well-respected members of our church, who demonstrate faithfulness and fruitfulness in their family and career.
Adding to the pool of wisdom, Board members bring varied professional skills and experience from key fields, including financial, legal, governance and educational. Board training is also conducted through the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
The Pastoral Team
The Pastoral Staff, as led by the Lead Pastors, administer the daily running of all church activities. This includes the care, discipleship and empowering of church members, the safe church, business, and organisational practices, and strategic mission and community services.