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Visit Us
Hepburn Heights
- 31 Chadlington Drive, Padbury
- 08 9307 5000
- info@c3hh.com.au
Sunday Mornings 9:30am
Wednesday Night Gather Fortnightly During School Term
Fridays (Youth Service) 6pm - 8:30pmNorth Perth
- St Luke's Anglican Church
13 George St, Maylands WA 6051 - 08 9307 5000
- info@c3northperth.com.au
- c3northperth.com.au
Fortnightly Church Together 5pm
Fortnightly Dinner Church In homesThe Bukit
- Bali Life Training Centre Auditorium
Jalan Pura Masuka No.77, Ungasan, Kuta Selatan, Badung - +62821-4508-4194
- info@c3thebukit.com
- c3thebukit.com
Sundays 10am – 11.30am
Tuesdays (Youth Service) 7pm - 8:30pmJigalong
- Pilbara community, WA
- 08 9307 5000
- jigalong@c3hh.com.au
Church Service Sundays 6pm
Bible Study Mondays 7pm
Prayer Wednesdays 7pmLocations
Hepburn Heights
Close to Hillarys, Perth, WA
Hepburn Heights
- 31 Chadlington Drive, Padbury
- 08 9307 5000
- info@c3hh.com.au
Sunday Mornings 9:30am
Wednesday Night Gather Fortnightly During School Term
Fridays (Youth Service) 6pm - 8:30pmNorth Perth
Inner City Perth, WA
North Perth
- St Luke's Anglican Church
13 George St, Maylands WA 6051 - 08 9307 5000
- info@c3northperth.com.au
- c3northperth.com.au
Fortnightly Church Together 5pm
Fortnightly Dinner Church In homesThe Bukit
Close to Uluwatu, Bali, IND
The Bukit
- Bali Life Training Centre Auditorium
Jalan Pura Masuka No.77, Ungasan, Kuta Selatan, Badung - +62821-4508-4194
- info@c3thebukit.com
- c3thebukit.com
Sundays 10am – 11.30am
Tuesdays (Youth Service) 7pm - 8:30pmJigalong
Pilbara community, WA
- Pilbara community, WA
- 08 9307 5000
- jigalong@c3hh.com.au
Church Service Sundays 6pm
Bible Study Mondays 7pm
Prayer Wednesdays 7pmWe are right where we are for a reason!!
In the suburbs we live and the unique location of C3HH, there are real, everyday opportunities for us to share the love of Jesus!
Love Our Suburbs (LOS) exists to enable us to bless our local communities, be the hands and feet of Jesus, in tangible ways. Love Our Suburbs is groups of people who either live or work in a particular local suburb, joining together and actively looking for ways to bless their communities.
As individuals, we want God to fill our hearts with love for our neighbours and a passion to see them meet and know God. As a church community we want to see the 22 suburbs surrounding us, comprising of 185,000 people impacted with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Opportunities may include suburb-focused prayer, practical serving in the community, volunteering at events as well as financial support through Love our Suburbs Grants.
Through Beyond, we are providing financial grants to suburb groups that identify need within their community, whether that be for an individual, event or business.
Each Suburb group comprises a leader, a closed Facebook group and us, members of C3HH!
If you’re a member of our Church looking to join a suburb group or you’re a member of the community wanting to enquire about a grant, fill out our form to connect a LOS leader.
Connect with an LOS Group
- Suburb groups will be formed via Closed Facebook Groups
- You can join more than 1 suburb group
- You can choose to join a suburb where you live or where you work (within the 22 local suburbs of C3HH)