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North Perth

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Fortnightly Church Together 5pm
Fortnightly Dinner Church In homes



Church Service Sundays 6pm
Bible Study Mondays 7pm
Prayer Wednesdays 7pm

The Bukit

Click here for Directions


Sundays 10am – 11.30am
Tuesdays (Youth Service) 7pm - 8:30pm

Hepburn Heights

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Sunday Mornings 9:30am
Wednesday Night Gather Every Wednesday
Fridays (Youth Service) 6pm - 8:30pm


North Perth

Inner City Perth, WA

North Perth


Fortnightly Church Together 5pm
Fortnightly Dinner Church In homes


Pilbara community, WA



Church Service Sundays 6pm
Bible Study Mondays 7pm
Prayer Wednesdays 7pm

The Bukit

Close to Uluwatu, Bali, IND

The Bukit


Sundays 10am – 11.30am
Tuesdays (Youth Service) 7pm - 8:30pm

Hepburn Heights

Close to Hillarys, Perth, WA

Hepburn Heights


Sunday Mornings 9:30am
Wednesday Night Gather Every Wednesday
Fridays (Youth Service) 6pm - 8:30pm


Thank you for continually choosing to excel in the grace of giving.

God invites us to honour him in all areas of our lives, including how we earn, save, spend and give. As we give to the work of the church; we worship God; we position ourselves in active trust; we partner with Christ as He builds His church; we contribute to the good news of the Gospel being released and disciples made. Let us lean in together as people who give joyfully, generously, and sacrificially.

Click here for further details on our financial practices.


Click here to view C3HH’s governance page outlining governance structure and practices and with links to policies, codes of conduct and audited financials.

C3HH subscribes to the highest level of financial integrity, transparency, and governance.

Financial records and systems are audited annually by Shreeve and Carslake and made publicly available. As the part of audit, the auditor also reviews all procedures for cash handling to ensure, as far as is reasonably possible, that there is no mishandling or fraud.

Please click here to request a copy of the Latest Audited Financial Report.


Please also see additional links to:

How does C3HH spend money given?

How are church pastors paid?


In C3HH’s 45+ year history there has not been any serious accusations or reports of any financial misappropriation against a pastor, staff member or the organisation as a whole.

We see in Matthew 20:28 that Jesus came to serve and give and we are called as followers of Jesus to likewise. To serve and give as a holistic lifestyle. Giving is God’s nature and we are called to be transformed into His likeness.

We believe the New Testament paints absolute clarity around Christians being people who are to continually grow in generosity. We see this heart alive in the church in Acts and through clear instruction in 1 Corinthians 16, 2 Corinthians 8 and 9, 1 Timothy 6 etc.

We are called to ‘excel in the grace of giving.’

Practically, we make a distinction between tithing and giving.


Tithing in the Bible, was a heart response from Abraham before the law, a commandment under the law, an encouragement by Jesus and a starting point for the radical generosity of the early church. Literally meaning a tenth, we teach as we understand Scripture, that the tithe is the first 10% of our increase that is returned to God through a local church. This is no longer law, but rather the worshipful response of a grateful heart and an intentional and practical outworking of putting God first. Starting tithing can be daunting but we encourage you to let God show His faithfulness. Invite God into your entire financial world (earning, saving, spending, giving…) and take a step towards tithing. Our church contains countless testimonies of God moving supernaturally in the financial worlds of those really leaning in to trusting Him.

Never do we demand the tithe (or any giving) or speak ill of anyone not willing or moved to give. Each person is encouraged to study Scripture personally and then give according to their own convictions. A few church administrative staff process online giving, but pastors have no report or knowledge of individual giving. In this way, someone could be a part of our church for 20 years and not give a cent and be treated no differently to the person who gives in the thousands.


Giving is described as anything over and above the tithe. In Old Testament times God’s people gave multiple offerings over and above their first tithe.

We encourage Christians to follow passions God has given them and be generous as God leads their heart. This may look like supporting extended family, sponsoring children, supporting charities or missions works, random acts of kindness etc.

Beyond is the name of our main giving opportunity, which is our local, regional and global missions.

Click here from more about beyond.

Overall Finances

Lead Pastors Jason and Emma model their finances off and recommend Pastor Paul De Jong’s practical philosophy 10, 10, 10, 70. 10% tithe, 10% saving/investing, 10% giving and then live off 70%. Then if/as you are able, lift your saving/investing and your giving equally. For instance, if you can live off 50% of your income, tithe 10% and then give 20% and save/invest 20%. If your income falls (having a child or extended study etc) and things are really tight financially, tithe 10%, live off 88%, and then give 1% and save 1%.

We also recommend Pastor John Pearce’s book ‘Wheels of Financial Blessing’ as a Biblical and balanced foundation for establishing financial habits as a follower of Christ. Seeing God’s blessing in our finances is not just about giving, but as outlined in Scripture a more holistic Kingdom lifestyle involving 1/ a right mindset 2/ wise stewardship 3/ generosity and 4/ a spirit of faith.

The Finance Manager and Lead Pastor draft the yearly budget which has a 2 step process of approval from the Church Board. The Board ensures all funds are targeted and utilised for the purpose they were given and in the pursuit of C3HH’s cores objectives.

General tithes and non-specified giving

Funds are used on all the activities of the church that pursue our core objectives. We exist to see the life to the full that Jesus gave, lived and shared in our local community, and specific areas in our regional and global community. Spending includes:

    • Facility costs (utilities, maintenance, rates, communications, insurance, IT etc.)
    • Ministry/program costs (resources, events, equipment, gifts etc.)
    • Staffing (pastors and administration, professional development etc)

The church employs over 30 people across 5 locations and 2 countries, of whom 3 are full-time and the balance part time, with days varying from 0.5 to 3.5 per week. The pastoral team shepherd over 1,500 people across our locations.

Beyond (local, regional and global missions)

Beyond giving is always spent in complete alignment with the purpose for which it was given. It is not used on general church expenses but with an outward focus and as outlined in the yearly Beyond presentations and brochure. Any unspent Beyond money is held in trust for a similar Beyond related program/initiative/organisation.

Click here to see more about Beyond

Beyond is our local, regional and global missions efforts. This is all about the love of Christ being tangibly experienced around the world and the Gospel message being heard.

Beyond is critical for us, as C3HH has a deep commitment to be an apostolic sending hub. This is outworked through our leaning into an outward focus with our time, prayer and finances.

Together as a church, we give around $400,000 – $550,000 for each year. This enables us to be a strategic and substantial blessing in our local community and in key regional and global areas.

Beyond giving is always utilised in complete alignment with the purpose in which it was given. It is not used on general church expenses but with an outward focus and as outlined in the yearly Beyond presentations and brochure. Any unspent Beyond money is held in trust for a similar Beyond related program/initiative/organisation.

Our typical mode of giving is through a yearly faith commitment, where church members pledge amount hey feel to give over the next 12 months. This method is used as it creates intentionality, allows for steps of faith, helps with budgeting and to plan commitments to organisations who rely on our support. Names on pledges and giving amounts are kept confidential and only seen by a few admin staff. Pledges are never followed up or demanded.

Click here to see more about Beyond

Staff salaries are determined by a Board Committee that excludes Pastoral staff or their relatives. No bonuses or commissions are ever attached to any large offerings or increases in church giving. The State Primary Education sector is used as a general guide for staff salary structuring.

Most of our pastors have stepped away from higher paying careers to pursue their Pastoral call. As our pastors live sacrificially and often lead the way in giving, the Church Board takes caring for our staff seriously.

As a not-for-profit religious organisation, C3HH pastors are entitled to receive exempt fringe benefits. This has helpful income tax and GST benefits. We limit the amount of exempt benefit received to no more than 70% of a pastors income.

As a part of our ‘Pastors Code of Conduct’ strict criteria are outlined to ensure our pastors hold themselves and are held to the highest integrity financially. Any additional ‘love offerings’ or gifts given to pastors, are processed through the church and appropriate supervisor to ensure financial transparency. Pastors are prohibited from leveraging their leadership position to establish any method of financial gain from church members.

In C3HH’s 45+ year history there has been not one serious accusation or report of any financial misappropriation against a pastor, staff member or the organisation as a whole.

Internet Banking

You can give directly from your bank account to the C3HH bank account. Our account details are:
Name: CCC Hepburn Heights
BSB: 036080
Account: 367324
Please ensure you specify what the money is for (ie. ‘Tithes’)